A few days ago, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar had announced the release date of his upcoming film, Bachchan Pandey, and told him that he would bring his film in front of the audience on 18 March 2022. Ever since the announcement of the film’s release date, fans have been waiting for its trailer, whose release date has been leaked. Fans and trade experts have a lot of expectations from this film to be released on the occasion of Holi.
According to a media portal, the trailer of the film Bachchan Pandey will be released on February 9, 2022. A source related to the film has informed the portal, ‘Bachchan Pandey’s team has planned to surprise the fans of Akshay Kumar on 9th February 2022.
The makers want trailer to be released in front of the audience a month before the release date of Bachchan Pandey. The trailer of the film Bachchan Pandey will be a mix of action, comedy, romance, and drama.
Akshay Kumar, Jacqueline Fernandez, Kriti Sanon, Arshad Warsi, Snehal Dabi, Pankaj Tripathi, Prateik Babbar, and Abhimanyu Singh will be seen in the lead roles in the film Bachchan Pandey. Bachchan Pandey is directed by Farhad Samji and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala.
Let us tell you that on March 18, 2022, Ranbir Kapoor’s Shamshera will be released at the box office. Actors like Sanjay Dutt and Vaani Kapoor will be seen in this Yash Raj banner film. The clash between Shamshera and Bachchan Pandey is being considered one of the biggest clashes of the year 2022, due to which the trade experts are a little worried. The entire industry has suffered a lot during the Corona period, which can significantly increase due to mega clashes.
I am bollywood bunny, a digital marketing consultant with 5+ years of experience. Very passionate to write, reading and watch about bollywood movies. Fan of various Indian cinema celebrities. I would love to provide you latest bollywood updates and more.